Monday, April 21, 2008

I've been tagged to answer the following:

Ten years ago: I was finishing my 6th grade year of school at Horse Heaven Hills Middle School where I would have recently received my first "little" kiss from my long term boyfriend of about 1 month. I also would have been sporting nice baggy jeans, bangs, and a chubby little face (I didn't get skinnier until 7th grade).

On my to do list
Long Term: Have more kids and raise a happy little family. Get Brandon a good job as a firefighter that he enjoys (but I guess I can't really do that). Figure out where we're going to live and settle down. Become more artistic and crafty so I feel like I am talented and handy. Also, get my soccer skills back so I can pass them on to my kids!

Everyday Goals: Figure out what we want to do about a, buy, or wait...and do it!? Get my prepregnancy body back and fit into all of my old clothes. Organize the downstairs and clean the's a goal of mine everyday, but it can just never seem to happen.

5 Places I have lived: Kennewick, WA; Orem and Provo, UT; and since I haven't lived 5 places add for Brandon: Memphis and Germantown, TN; Huntington Beach, CA; and Rochester, Michigan.

5 Jobs I have had: Concession stands at softball fields and a public pool, Basketball referee for little kids, Cashier at Good Earth Natural Foods (health food store), Coach at soccer camps, sales rep at the Gym (Club 24).

If I became a Billionaire: I would travel the world. But until then, I would probably get a facelift, a boob job, liposuction, a butt implant and several plastic surgeries on my face...j/k, but I would go on a heck of a shopping spree (and I would consider the boob job). Also, I would donate money to help those in need, especially children. I would donate to organizations/charity, but mostly by randomly helping strangers get on their feet, it's more fun that way.

Bad Habits: Road rage...I can't control myself, I try, but I really can't...I hate stupid drivers and I can't stand when people go under the speed limit; Lack of picking my clothes up and cleaning the bathroom.

Things I enjoy: Working out, playing sports-especially soccer, being a mommy, being with Brandon, laughing, playing board games, cooking, reading, and not going to school-however I don't know what that is exactly like yet. I also enjoy snowboarding, going to the beach, being with family, having long talks about pointless interesting things, and eating, in general, but mostly sweets (ice cream, chocolate, and cookies).

Things People Don't Know About Me: I hate to cry in front of people, I don't like scary movies because I'm a wuss, I still sleep with my baby blanket, I'm terrified of failure, and I hate to be by myself (unless I'm crying)!

People I'm tagging: Chelsea and Siera: if you want to and get time to, don't feel obligated if you don't want to though!


lonnyanddeanne said...

Nice!! it's always fun to hear more about people you think you know really well!

Unknown said...

Fun to learn more about you!! And so fun to see Jax's pictures--what a cutie! I love Einstein hair!