Posted by The McEwen's at 9:50 AM 3 comments
Ok, so I have been terrible about updating my blog, sorry! But, we've had a lot going on lately. In a nutshell: Jaxson is a sunbeam in Primary at church (crazy!!!) and only has 1.5 weeks of preschool left. He has been such a sweet boy lately (thankfully...he was being super rotten for awhile and I was pretty close to selling him, but now he's like a little angel :-) Throughout the day he will be like "Mommy, I love you...and I love brother and daddy and I love myself! So cute! Not to mention that he says the funniest things, loving this age!
Jagger, who is 8 months old now, gave us a little scare for awhile because he was refusing to eat and wasn't gaining weight and actually dropped off of the weight chart because he was getting so skinny and had all these other issues (like a horrible cough, diarrhea for like a month-I know TMI, sorry-wheezing, and all sorts of fun stuff). But, we took him to a Pulmonary specialist in Seattle and come to find out his major prob was reflux! So, he's been on meds and doing MUCH better. He is such a happy little guy and is SO much fun. He is getting close to crawling now that he can tolerate being on his stomach for more than 5 seconds without screaming. He used to scoot himself backwards on his stomach across the entire room screaming. So, he's made progress.
The biggest news that happened lately is that we're moving back to Utah, and we are leaving in 1 month! It was kind of sudden, but Brandon has a wonderful job opportunity to start a business with his dad doing all different kinds of real estate deals. So, we are really excited for the opportunity, but it's definitely bittersweet because we're leaving all of our family and friends here in Tri-cities :-( We have our house up for sale and have already started packing so it's starting to become a little more real! But, if someone would come buy our house, it would make things a lot easier, so hurry and come buy it! Anyway, that's what is happening here! Things are going well, but a little crazy!On a side note, one of my best friends, Chelsea Davis, of Chelsea Rose Photography, is an amazing photographer and she took some family pics for us and I LOVE them!!! But, here are a few that she took!
Posted by The McEwen's at 9:00 PM 5 comments
Posted by The McEwen's at 3:00 PM 1 comments
Posted by The McEwen's at 12:13 PM 0 comments
I just had to post to say ITS SNOWING!! I can't remember a time that it snowed Thanksgiving week, and now we already have like 2 inches! Crazy!
Posted by The McEwen's at 10:58 PM 2 comments
"To Infinny Beeyon!"
Posted by The McEwen's at 6:08 PM 3 comments
Now, what do you think? Do Jax and Jag look alike...
Posted by The McEwen's at 3:33 PM 7 comments