Ok, SO I know it has been FOREVER since I last updated, but we've had quite a lot going on. Brandon accepted a job in Salt Lake City, UT so we are now living in Utah (in Lehi by Thanksgiving Point)! We moved in June and bought our house in August. I'll spare all of the details of our crazy summer, since we did a lot of things and had a ton of changes, but so far, everything is going well. We live in a neighborhood that has more kids than I've ever seen in my life! But, its good for my boys (I haven't decided if it's good for me or not yet since I can't keep Jax inside the house! He always wants to go play with friends outside, and of course Jagger wants to follow his older brother. But, they're happy so I can't complain. Anyway, I promise to be better about updating :-)
Here's a picture of our new house

My little Jagger turned 1 on September 18th! So big! He is such a blast!

Jaxson started preschool at a new school. He's in the ladybug class (which explains his getup).
Jaxson was a ninja for Halloween!! Cutest ninja I've ever seen!
Here's mu little ninja and puppy dog out trick-or-treating. We went with some friends who live around the corner from us and the kids were sprinting from door to door so after about 15-20 minutes Jaxson said his legs were tired and he needed to sit in the stroller. Shortly after, he had had enough so we called it a night!

Fun times! We're still adjusting to Utah and we certainly miss our family and friends in Washington, but overall we're doing well!